About Superhome Movement

The Superhome Movement was founded in 2015 and is now a Charitable Trust comprising industry participants nationwide, including architects, designers, engineers, builders, trades, suppliers and more.

We are a group of like minded professionals that have a shared purpose to help people live in better, healthier, more energy-efficient, and environmentally-friendly homes.

New Zealand’s building code is over 20 years behind other developed OECD countries with almost all new homes being built to the lowest standard allowed by law. We have some of the worst health statistics in the world related to poor housing. We need healthier, affordable, and energy efficient housing now!

The shared aim is advancing design education with a focus on reducing the effect of poor housing on the environment and improving the heath of our communities.


The Superhome Movement has a number of key activities designed to provide, expertise, resources, and support to create change in the New Zealand building industries.

The Superhome Movement is unique in that we provide open source sharing of new design ideas, technologies, and building techniques. We connect designers, builders, researchers, education providers, government, stakeholders, and leading experts in the industry to achieve collaboration toward higher building standards.

In addition, we offer Public Education, Home Tours, Consumer Workshops, Industry Continuing Education, Networking, and Lobbying of Local and National Governments toward Improvements in Building Standards.