Superhome Movement: Energy Efficient Homes

The Superhome Movement Charitable Trust is a non-profit, group creating transformative change in the New Zealand building industry through education, supporting good business & lobbying for change.

Our goal is to raise standards so that all new homes are healthier and more energy efficient, while also promoting environmental, economic, and socially sustainable practices.

Superhome Movement

Normalising Better Homes

While we all aspire to live in a “BEST CERTIFIED” Superhome, we appreciate that it's not an economic reality for many.
The ‘CERTIFICATION GUIDE’ (download below) gives you a breakdown of various Superhome criteria...

Superhome Certification Guide

New Zealand’s building code is over 20 years behind other developed OECD countries with almost all new homes being built to the lowest standard allowed by law. We have some of the worst health statistics in the world related to poor housing. We need healthier, affordable, and energy efficient housing now...

The shared aim is advancing design education with a focus on reducing the effect of poor housing on the environment and improving the health of our communities.

The Superhome Movement Charitable Trust is a non-profit group creating transformative change in the New Zealand building industry through education, networking and open source sharing of ideas.

Our goal is to raise building standards so that all new homes are healthier and more energy efficient, while also promoting environmental, economic, and sustainable practices.

Superhome Movement

Collaborating for Higher Home Build Design Standards in New Zealand

The Superhome Movement is committed to revolutionising home design and building standards in New Zealand. Our mission is to promote high performance standards in the building industry by fostering collaboration and sharing resources among home designers, builders, researchers, educational institutions, government entities, and industry experts.

Driving Excellence with Energy-Efficient Home Design

We focus on empowering home owners and the public by providing information through webinars, public tours, and workshops on what to consider when designing and building. We believe this helps people to make informed decisions about smart, energy-efficient home design, such as selecting the right windows, considering site orientation, ventilation and overall being more knowledgeable of the construction "watch outs",  that will lead to warmer, healthier homes for our communities.

The New Zealand building industry is decades behind other global standards when it comes to home energy efficient design. That’s why the Superhome Movement is stepping up and taking action to push for better building standards across the country. Our Partners and Participants are dedicated to advancing design standards, providing ongoing professional development and networking opportunities for industry members, while lobbying for change to both local councils and the government. Our goal is to ensure Kiwi homes match energy efficient home standards globally while contributing to energy savings and a healthier environment for everyone.